Our Mission
RAW (REJAG Affiliate Web Program) is an initiative by a team of Web & SEO experts, working together to create an unprecedented opportunity for every individual who seeks a long term revenue stream through web ability. RAW members will explore various online earning opportunities with hand-holding support from RAW Team. We have helped and we continue to help our members to fly high in increasing their digital holdings with profitability.
Who is REJAG?
REJAG Technologies Pvt Ltd is a 6-years-old company based out in Bangalore, delivering Business Automation Solutions & Digital Marketing Solutions for Small & Medium Enterprises. It is associated with well-known brands like Amazon, Zoho, GoFrugal & EPPS to support our client needs in digitalizing & growing their business.

What is RAW?
RAW is REJAG Affiliate Web membership program designed to enable internet entrepreneurship creating close inner circle communities adding value for each one’s opportunity. It aims to create a path to earn passive & active income with your partial or full involvement understanding website monetizing & content management in an organized way, so that both You & REJAG will have long-term structured & stable revenue.
We do the work for you
With RAW operations, you need to own a website from RAW inventory only based on your interests or that can help your future business. We will stage your website for the perfect revenue stream setting up the essential design & content, so that it drives people to your website through google and other search-engines. Hence, generating organic traffic, converting it for you to simply invest & get the ownership of the website; eventually transferred to you with the agreement. We’ll take care of your website by making it earn for you on a long-term basis, for every month consecutively, after few months from the date of ownership. We will hold 30% of the share that your website earns for managing, hosting, and content. “So, You earn…We earn”

Why to invest in raw websites
RAW has 500+ ready, age-old websites in its inventory which has been acquired from different sources and placed on powerful hosting with content positioned on highly ranked Google search keywords which have already made a footprint of good traffic. These Websites are now ready to be monetized with effective content management which will yield to good earnings every consecutive month, within a few months from the date of your ownership. All RAW websites have been staged to compatible revenue streams like Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliate, Guest Posts & Lead Generations for different vertical of business. Our proven mechanisms on monetizing the websites inspire us to create a close community value with all RAW members and grow mutually.

Our Mission

RAW (REJAG Affiliate Web Program) is an initiation by a team of Web & SEO experts, working together to create an unprecedented opportunity for every individual who seeks a long term revenue stream through web ability. RAW members will explore various online earning opportunities with hand-holding support from RAW Team. We have helped our members to fly high increasing their digital holdings with profitability.
Who is REJAG?

REJAG Technologies Pvt Ltd is 6 years old company based out in Bangalore delivering Business Automation Solutions & Digital Marketing Solutions for Small & Medium Enterprises. It is associated with well-known brands like Amazon, Zoho, GoFrugal & EPPS to support our client needs in digitalizing & growing their business.
What is RAW?

RAW is REJAG Affiliate Web membership program designed to enable internet entrepreneurship creating close inner circle communities adding value for each one’s opportunity. It aims to create a path to earn passive & active income with your partial or full involvement understanding website monetizing & content management in an organized way so that You & REJAG both will have to long term structured & stable revenue.
We do the work for you?

With RAW operations, you need to own a website from RAW inventory only based on your interests or that can help your future business. We will stage your website for the perfect revenue stream setting up the essential design & content that it drives people your website through google and other search-engines hence generating organic traffic converting it to You simply invest & get the ownership of the website transferred to you with the agreement. We’ll take care of your website making it earn for you on long term every month consecutively after few months from the date of ownership. We will hold 30% of the share that your website earns for managing hosting & content … “so You earn…We earn”
Why to invest in raw websites?

RAW has 500+ ready age-old websites in its inventory which has been acquired from different sources and placed on powerful hosting with content positioned on highly ranked Google search keywords which have already made a footprint of good traffic. These Websites are now ready to be monetized with effective content management which will yield to good earnings every consecutive month within a few months from the date of your ownership. All RAW websites have been staged to compatible revenue streams like Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliate, Guest Posts & Lead Generations for different vertical of business. Our proven mechanisms on monetizing the websites inspire us to create a close community value with all RAW members and grow mutually.